Wednesday, August 1, 2012

July - whew!!

July has definitely been a busy month.  It really started in June, though.  At the end of the month, my in-laws, my sister-in-law, and her two kids came down to stay for a few days. There was a big thunderstorm (derecho) while they were here.  Very exciting for my SIL and her kids, as they're from southern California and it's pretty dry there.

After celebrating Independence Day (a few days early) with them, they left to go back to Vermont... but they  left my nephew at a music camp and took two of my kids!!  Yes, it was planned.  Caroline and Jazzy (my niece) are almost exactly the same age.  We figured they'd have a good time together in Vermont - and they did!  They were able to hook up with ANOTHER cousin that is almost exactly the same age in Cape Cod.  The summer the girls were born, Tim's Nana had FIVE granddaughters (or granddaughters-in-law) all due within about a month of each other.  I think one baby was born in June and the other four in July.  But I digress.

Peter also went to Vermont.  He was going to stay with Uncle Dennis.  He had a good time, even though he didn't get to sleep in like he does at home!  He worked with Uncle Dennis, camped with him, and hung out with his grandparents, sister, and cousins as well.

While the two kids were gone, Jonathan, Victoria, and I enjoyed a little peace and quiet!  They went to two different movies (Madagascar III and Ice Age IV) and had fun playing what THEY wanted to play, not what their older sibling wanted.

We also had Vacation Bible School one week, and I helped with that.  Every morning, I'd throw a batch of pork butt in the oven to cook while we were gone, we'd go to VBS, then we'd return, do our chores, pull pork, and get another batch ready.

Why so much pork?  Well, we were going to have a big party!  Tim was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel!!  We invited all of our friends from church and all of our family.  I "catered" it - pulled pork, homemade buns, coleslaw, and beans.  Our friends and family brought dessert, and my mom, mother-in-law, and I set up that morning.  I think it went very well....although I had (have) a lot of food left.  I put most of it in the freezer.. we'll see how long it lasts..

So for a few days, we had Tim's whole family here.  I think he really enjoyed it!  Congratulations, darling!!