Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

We write this letter yet again from Virginia.  Tim’s job is such that we should be here for the next THREE years!  Virginia has now overtaken West Virginia as the state we’ve lived in the longest.

We took a lot of little trips this year.  We returned to New England this spring for my cousin’s wedding and managed to sneak in a trip to Boston and Gillette Stadium too.  We went to Michigan in May to celebrate our niece’s graduation from medical school.  July came and with it Tim’s sister, Heidi and her daughter Jazzy.  We had fun going to Monticello and to D.C. for Independence Day. 

In August, we all went to WV to watch the Patriots in a pre-season practice against the New Orleans Saints…yes, the Saints practice in WV.  What fun!  We saw Brady, Belichick, the Gronk….SO much fun!  In September we celebrated Nana Mewes’ 80th birthday and surprised her with two of her children coming in for the party.  We also went on a field trip to Ft. McHenry this year and really enjoyed that as well.

The three older kids are in youth group together and have had chances to serve the homeless by washing the transportation vans, doing laundry at a shelter, and helping kids with crafts at our church’s annual Advent party.

Peter has been asked to be a leader in both his youth group and the youth worship team.  Leading the worship team will also involve leading worship in front of the whole church once a month!  In July, he and Jonathan spent a week in WV for the National Guard camp.  Peter’s stay wasn’t your typical camp experience.  More like Marine boot camp. 

Jonathan has started a pottery class and is really enjoying both the class and meeting new people.  His pet rats, Francesca and Jennifer, are simply adorable and so sociable.  We all enjoy playing with them and feeding them their favorite – sunflower seeds!

Caroline continues riding horses once a week.  She learned to canter, which she said was not as hard as she had thought.  She’s trying to figure out how to spend even more time at the barn!

Victoria is in fourth grade this year.  She has always helped in the kitchen, but this year she made a batch of chocolate chip cookies ALL BY HERSELF, as well as the pecan pie for Thanksgiving (with only a little help).

This year has not been without its low points.  Every year has them and we’re certainly NOT immune.  This letter is meant to be a recap of the highlights, but I don’t want anyone to think our life is rosy all the time, or that yours should be either.  I know there are those who have suffered great loss this year, those who are struggling with health issues, those who are in dire financial straits.  I want you to know that there is someone who is always there for you.  Jesus, the babe in the manger, did more than come to make a cute nativity scene.  He came to live a perfect, sinless life to make atonement for our imperfect, sinful ones.  Won’t you trust in His sacrifice this year?  Make this a year in which the greatest gift of all, God’s love sent down to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, is accepted by you.  You’ll spend eternity in heaven and have the Holy Spirit living within you to guide you along this crazy road we call life.

We love you, we miss you, we love hearing from you.  Blessings to you this Christmas.
                                                                        Love,                                                                                            The Mewes family