Thursday, September 6, 2012

Best decision ever!

Tuesday night, Victoria accepted Christ as her Savior!!  She was doing her nightly devotion time with her daddy (just the sweetest thing ever, btw), and she decided to pray a prayer of salvation.  She has loved Jesus for a long time (for a six-year-old).  She sings songs to Him (that she made up!), she thanks Him for things, she has even known why Christ died on the cross ("to save me from my sins so I can go to heaven").  Yes, she knows she sins and what sin is (not living up to God's standards).  We'd even allowed her to take communion because we felt she loved Jesus as much as any person could - with her whole heart.

But Tuesday night....she prayed to Jesus and trusted Him as the only way she can get to heaven!  Praise Jesus!

Do you know where YOU'RE going when you die?  Wouldn't you like to be sure?

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