Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Easter!

I love going to church on Easter morning and hearing "He is risen" and joyfully responding "He is risen indeed!"  Thank you, Lord Jesus!!

After church, we grabbed the dog, went to my parents' house for Easter dinner, and then the girls did an Easter egg hunt.  They know there's no Easter bunny (they help buy the candy and some years they help fill the eggs!), but it's fun to get candy, right?  The boys are "too old" to do the hunt.  We set a rule a few years ago that 13 is the limit.  No more themed birthday parties, pinatas, Easter egg hunts, etc.   Don't feel sorry for the boys - the girls got SO much candy that they're sharing (and they did know ahead of time that they'd have to share).

This year was a little quieter than last , when we had Nana and Papa Mewes down here to celebrate as well.  They left for Vermont a week or so ago.

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