Monday, August 25, 2014

My kids and Yellowstone ROCK!!

You might think the title of my post is a little odd, but wait 'til you finish reading.

We arrived in Yellowstone after a very long drive across Wyoming.  When we arrived, it was about 50F and raining.... not really camping weather.  We again made use of our huge tarp.  Tim had the brilliant idea to string it up between two trees, then set the tent up underneath.  The boys, Tim, and I set it up while the girls huddled in the car, staying reasonably warm.  After we got everything set up, we drive to Old Faithful.  We had to wait only about ten minutes, and it erupted!

We ate hotdogs for dinner, cooking at a picnic area to avoid making our tent smell like food (have to beware of bears), then quickly changed in the freezing cold restroom building, washed up with the ice cold water, then bundled up with all the blankets and layers we had.  It was 35F when we woke up.  Yes, that's right - 35F.  The kids didn't complain once!  So we were able to stay the whole day and stay overnight again.

During our driving around, we saw bison (alone and in a herd), a trumpeter swan, elk, white pelicans, cormorants, common mergansers, and yes, finally, a grizzly bear!!  We saw geysers of all shapes and sizes, mountains, valleys, lakes, streams... it was truly amazing.  

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