Friday, August 22, 2014


I was awakened this morning by a gentle shake and Tim's voice saying, "now don't be alarmed,".... yeah, those are words to keep you calm!!

Well, for some reason, he had decided to check the weather in the middle of the night and discovered we were going to be rained on.  No worries... we had a HUGE tarp we had purchased at Menard's.  (what a cool site that is!).

It starts to rain... we're dry... yay!  Then a voice," I have to go to the bathroom." Caroline.   <sigh>. It's fine, Tim takes her to the building, they come back and they report that it's not nearly as bad as it sounds inside the tent.

We managed to fall back to sleep, then woke up when it stopped raining.  We packed up quickly, before the next wave of rain came, and headed out.  We stopped to get some groceries (especially cheese-we were in Wisconsin, you see), and headed for  South Dakota.

We arrived in Sioux Falls in late afternoon and walked around the falls.  Not as tall as Niagara, but beautiful in their own right.

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